About Placetoplan
Placetoplan is a web platform for place and plan participation. It serves as a platform for Planners (municipalities, property owners, consultants, associations) to collect and compile feedback on a place or plan. It also provides a platform for the Public (individuals, businesses, authorities) to view and provide feedback on a place or plan.
Placetoplan in Brief
- A simple and accessible tool for the Public to participate in planning on an equitable and democratic platform.
- A simple and powerful tool for Planners to compile and analyze feedback on places and plans. An automated dialogue report can be downloaded as planning material.
- Feedback is easily placed on images and maps to make them location-specific, facilitating analysis and future planning. Feedback and statistics are updated live on placetoplan.com/dialogname.
- Can be used in all planning stages (place analysis, area analysis, idea stage, detailed plans aster plan).
- Displays images (plans, illustrations, photos), maps (MapBox), videos (YouTube, Vimeo), 3D views (Sketchup, CAD).
- A simple, fast web interface that works on all platforms (desktop, tablet, mobile).
- Each dialogue project and each feedback point has a unique web address (URL) that can be linked to web pages and social media.
- Support and administration by experienced urban planners and dialogue experts, who can also participate in planning, implementation, and follow-up of the dialogue.

Placetoplan's support includes administrative support and technical support.
Administrative support is provided to the Planner who has purchased the Project Support, Project Report, or Premium License packages. Administrative support and dialogue assistance are provided by trained urban planners at Spacescape. The Basic package does not include support; the fee is intended to cover maintenance and development costs for the dialogue platform.
Technical support can be provided for technical issues with the platform, such as problems with uploads, downloads, or web and mobile viewing. Technical support is provided by On A Wednesday Afternoon.
Support is available via email or phone during the office hours of Spacescape and Onawednesdayafternoon. Questions related to project and planning matters are not answered by Spacescape or Placetoplan but are referred to the planning organization.

Placetoplan's History
It all began in the 1990s with an internship at the Stockholm City Planning Office. Landscape architecture student Alexander Ståhle, along with comprehensive planners and former city gardeners Anders Sandberg, created a map of how green areas were used in the city. This map, called the 'sociotope map,' has since been a basis for urban planning, not only in Stockholm but also in several other Swedish cities and abroad. The sociotope map, which shows the use of green areas, was based on numerous surveys and interviews with Stockholm residents to identify valuable places and areas in need of development. Alexander continued this work in his doctoral thesis at KTH, which focused on the relationship between urban densification and green areas. Using the sociotope map, GIS analyses were conducted, demonstrating that the quality of green areas had a significant impact on how people perceive access to green spaces in different neighborhoods. After completing his doctorate in 2008, Alexander became the CEO of Spacescape, a consulting company specializing in urban planning and urban analysis. Spacescape has since become one of Sweden's most recognized companies in urban planning and urban analysis. At the same time, Alexander remained a researcher at KTH and authored the book 'Everyone Needs Proximity: How Future Cities Are Built' ((www.stockholmcyclo.com)).
During his time at Spacescape, Alexander initiated a dialogue and collaboration with the American organization Project for Public Spaces, which conducts dialogue processes to develop public spaces worldwide, known as "placemaking." Project for Public Spaces had developed a website called Placemap, which allowed users to mark valuable places or places that could be improved on an online map. This was called "digital placemaking," and the result was a kind of sociotope map. Spacescape conducted its first Placemap in collaboration with Project for Public Spaces in Gothenburg in 2012, as part of an urban life analysis of the city center. Since then, Spacescape has conducted dozens of similar online surveys in various planning and dialogue processes. In 2019, when Alexander decided to start the IT company Placetoplan, it was to build a platform that could handle the entire planning process and become a dialogue platform that planners could administer more independently while remaining easily accessible to the public, similar to Instagram for urban planners and place development. Placetoplan maintains international contacts through the PlacemakingX network and Placemaking Europe.
The Name Placetoplan is Derived from Three Basic Ideas:
- Urban development is always location-based, and feedback is best understood when linked to places.
- Any development process starts from an existing place with its qualities and identities.
- Placetoplan is an online place to participate in planning.
Urban planning and place development involve a complex web of interests, and in many planning projects, the volume of feedback can be overwhelming. Sustainable development and planning rely on trust, transparency, and efficiency. Placetoplan believes it can enhance the planning process because the tool builds trust with organizations that demonstrate that they listen, creates transparency because everyone can see everyone's feedback, and streamlines planning work because all feedback can be compiled and analyzed with a few clicks, compared to the extensive work required for consultation reports, for example. Placetoplan is not a social media site but a place to access information and provide feedback to organizations. For debates, there are other social media platforms that can easily be linked to Placetoplan. Placetoplan is the digital platform for dialogue, and Spacescape provides support with its experienced planners and place developers. Placetoplan AB was registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office on August 13, 2019.
Placetoplan AB
Allhelgonagatan 8, 11858 Stockholm, Sweden
Org nr: 5592147069
VAT nr: SE559214706901
Bankgiro: 5378-5614